Optimizing Images

Uploading images to your website without thinking ahead is never a good idea. If images are not properly optimized, it can affect your entire website's performance. The following recommendations are going to reduce your sites load speed, allow site visitors get more out of your images and help search engines understand your images as well as index them.

In order to explain this easily, I am going to use an example. Let’s say we run a baking website and we want to add a new photo of our newly tested recipe of lemon cranberry scones.
File Name
The image file name is important because it helps tell search engines what your image is about. Usually, when you upload an image the file name can be quite undescriptive, to say the least. For example: IMG022715.jpg. Can you tell what this image is from reading the file name? Hopefully not. Otherwise, you may need to see a doctor. Now take a look at lemon-cranberry-scones.jpg. Can you tell what this image is just from reading the file name? A short but descriptive file name can help users and search engines.


If you need to update image file names in bulk, follow this guide.
Alt Text
Alt text can provide additional details about an image for both users and search engines. Alt text is used in two ways. If for some reason the image cannot . . .

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