Gaining Access to CallRail
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Access to Important Accounts
It’s best to have them add you as a user to their accounts instead of sharing their usernames and passwords with you. That way all your changes will be tracked under your account so you can’t be accused of something someone else did. Also, if you were to ever part ways, they can easily shut off your access to their accounts, thus protecting you from any accusations down the road.
Call Tracking Overview
Call tracking works by replacing the real business phone number on the website with call tracking numbers. When someone clicks on one of them from a mobile device, it will be tracked. When someone sees the tracking number on a desktop screen and manually dials the number from their phone, this will also be tracked.
When tracking clicks to phone numbers, this will mainly only track phone calls from mobile devices since they will be “clicking” on the phone number to call it. Most desktop users don’t click on phone numbers, they will manually dial the phone number from their phone. That is why tracking clicks on phone numbers is not nearly as accurate as using a call tracking solution.
Moving Account Data
If your clients CallRail data is inside of another parent CallRail account (for example their old SEO agencies account), you have the option of transferring their CallRail numbers to your own account or to your clients account.
Requesting Access from Your CallRail Agency Account
If your client has their own CallRail account and you have your own, you will need their CallRail account number so that you can request access to their account.
Being Added as a General User
If your client has their own CallRail account but you don’t have one, they can simply add you as a user to their account.