LocalBusiness Schema

What is Schema? Excerpt directly from Google:

“Google Search works hard to understand the content of a page. However, you can provide explicit clues about the meaning of a page to Google by including structured data on the page.”

One type of structured data is Schema.org.
LocalBusiness Schema
By adding LocalBusiness Schema to your site, you are able to tell Google your exact website address, logo, hours, price range, business description, etc. This can help reduce the odds of Google becoming confused about your real business data. It also sends important local signals about your business to Google such as street address, phone number, city, longitude, latitude, etc.

In addition to this, instead of using LocalBusiness as the Schema itemtype, you can choose a more specific Schema itemtype such as Dentist or AccountingService. Check out Phil Rozek’s great Schema itemtype list to see which one fits your business best.

How do you use this list? Well, in the example below do you see "@type" : "LocalBusiness"? You would simply replace "LocalBusiness" with one of the choices on Phil's list. Like so:
"@type" : "Dentist",
"@type" : "AccountingService",

Here’s a JSON-LD example for creating LocalBusiness Schema on a web page.

<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type" : "LocalBusiness",
"@id" : "WEBSITE URL",
"name" : "BUSINESS NAME",
"hasMap": "https://maps.google.com/maps?cid=YOURCIDNUMBER",
"logo" : "LOGO URL",
"telephone" : "PHONE NUMBER",
"email" : "EMAIL ADDRESS",
"sameAs" : [ "URL #1", "URL #2" ],
"url" : "WEBSITE URL",
"image . . .

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